Information resources to support you to deliver family-inclusive practice in your organisation.



Image of the front cover of A practical guide for working with carers of people with a mental illness

A Practical Guide for Working with Carers of People with a Mental Illness


A Practical Guide for Working with Carers of People with a Mental Illness recognises that family, carers and supporters are a crucial component of any partnership approach to service delivery. It has been developed to assist staff across service settings in Australia in recognition and support of family and friends, to enable them to continue in their role as partners in recovery.

The guide was developed by a coalition of organisations led by Mind Australia in 2015 to provide a comprehensive workplace manual on family and carer inclusion in mental health services. Tandem was a collaborating organisation.

Download A Practical Guide for Working with Carers of People with a Mental Illness.


Chief Psychiatrist's Guideline - cover
Image of the front cover of the Victorian Carer Strategy
Front cover of the book, 'Families as Partners in Mental Health Care.'

Chief Psychiatrist's guideline: Working together with families and carers


The Chief Psychiatrist's guideline: Working together with families and carers recognises the vital support that carers provide and assists services to better respond to families and carers in the delivery of mental health services. It covers all programs (child and adolescent, youth, adult, aged and forensic) and all settings (inpatient, community, residential and speciality services), in line with the Mental Health Act 2014.

The guideline explores five key messages:

  • Families and carers should be recognised, respected and supported as partners in providing support and care to consumers.
  • Families and carers should be identified and engaged as soon as possible in assessment, treatment, care and recovery.
  • Services must have clear processes and practices that support open communication with consumers, families and carers regarding information sharing, privacy and confidentiality.
  • Services are required to have regard for the impact of mental illness on family members and to assist families and carers to identify their needs, including in relation to the caring role.
  • Families and carers should be engaged in organisational practice and governance.

Download the guideline from the Department of Health website.


Recognising and supporting Victoria’s carers: Victorian carer strategy 2018-22


The Victorian carer strategy 2018-22 was the first whole-of-government strategy to support carers in their own right.

The strategy focuses on five priorities:

  1. Carers have better health and wellbeing.
  2. Carers are supported in school, study and work environments.
  3. Carers can access support and services that meet their needs.
  4. Carers have less financial stress.
  5. Carers are recognised, acknowledged and respected.

Download the strategy from the Department of Families, Families and Housing website.


Families As Partners in Mental Health Care: A Guide to Implementing Family Work


Families as Partners in Mental Health Care is a practical guidebook for supporting families. This book describes how professionals can involve themselves in working with families and carers for better relationships and superior outcome.

The aim of the book is to inform and motivate mental health services to adopt and implement family work as a part of basic care for those they treat and care for.

Download Families As Partners in Mental Health Care: A Guide to Implementing Family Work.